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Cosmetic dentistry

Teeth whitening:

a way to brighter smile! It is also known as bleaching treatment. It is a chemical based process which helps achieve lighter shades on teeth and makes the smile more beautiful. It is a painless and effective treatment the results can be seen immediately after the treatment.


These are wafer thin custom made shells that are used to change the size, shape, color, or length of the tooth. It is a best conservative approach compared to crowns, the veneers can be porcelain or resin base called as componeers. It is a painless treatment.

Composite restorations:

This is also known as dental bonding, where in a tooth colored material is applied to the tooth and hardened using a special light, using a bonding agent to ultimately improve the smile. It is one of the most economical, easiest and fastest amongst the various cosmetic treatments available. It is painless and the results can be seen immediately. Dental bonding can help repair cracked teeth, change the shape of a tooth, help close gaps, and the best alternative to silver amalgam fillings.

Enamel shaping:

also known as contouring it is a quick and painless process of shaping natural teeth with minor deformities, uneven teeth or crowding. The results can be seen immediately.


A crown is a custom made cap for a tooth. It can be used in cases or damaged tooth or to alter the shape of a tooth in cases of smile designing. Crowns can alter the size, shape, color of the tooth and also help increase the strength of a diseased tooth. Crowns can be of various types like metal, porcelain fused to metal, resin, or ceramic. Before seating the crown, the existing tooth is filled down and then the crown is placed completely encasing the tooth.

Gum reshaping:

this involves the contouring of uneven gums; it can be related to a single tooth or a whole gum line. A gummy smile where the gums are more exposed with tiny teeth, gum surgery can give instant results providing a beautiful smile with more teeth exposed. In some cases, slight gum overgrowth is seen which can also be corrected by the surgery. It can be done painless and the results are seen immediately with less or no postoperative care.


depigmentation of gums is a cosmetic treatment that involves scrapping of gums and helps repair over pigmented gums, the color of the gums can change from dark brown to baby pink.

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