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Wisdom tooth

Wisdom tooth/ teeth are also known as the third molars, they appear last in the sequence of the eruption of teeth. These molars usually start erupting between the age of 17 to 25 years, in a few cases, it may appear much later than 25 years as well. These are usually present on the back of the jaw, which is usually spotted on a routine x-ray or due to complaints like, swollen gums, pain on chewing, inability to open mouth, foul smell, or even sometimes unpleasant taste in the mouth.

These usually are not advised to be removed if they are impacted and cause no dental problems or if they erupt well in the alignment of the other teeth, this is usually possible in cases of a bigger jaw.

In most cases, this tooth usually brings in a lot of dental issues, and on an OPG these are seen impacted either horizontally or vertically in such a way that they need the extraction to get relief from pain caused due to them.

Even thou most wisdom teeth do not require immediate action and the treatment of removal can be planned but waiting too long may cause, orthodontic problems as the tooth pushes the other teeth to make its way out, or may also cause infection or abscess on the back of the jaw, which then could spread to the throat making it a life-threatening situation, this pus formation usually is accompanied with pain. It may also cause an inability to chew if not erupted in alignment.

Wisdom tooth extraction is planned process until reported too late to the dentist, the procedure is painless as it is done under local anesthesia, the bone and the tissues are retracted well enough for removing the impacted third molar also called the wisdom tooth. Then these tissues are sutured back.

Post-operative care and medicine are advised to the patient followed with a diet restriction, the patient is advised to consume soft diet for 3 to 5 days. For the initial 24 hours, it is advised not to spit or expectorate from the mouth, as it may cause delayed healing. A soft and cold diet is advised to be taken after the removal of the wisdom tooth. Avoiding liquid consumption with straw is also advised. Smoking and consuming alcohol is not advised until complete healing.

The suture removal is done after 10 days of the surgery, this procedure is also painless and comfortable.

A common complication that occurs if the above instruction is not well followed is the appearance of a dry socket, which later needs to be treated at the clinic with medicinal care.

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